Wednesday, March 18, 2020

water soluable

Aquaporins, also called water channels, are integral membrane proteins from a larger family of major intrinsic proteins that form pores in the membrane of biological cells, mainly facilitating transport of water between cells.[1] The cell membranes of a variety of different bacteriafungianimal and plant cells contain aquaporins through which water can flow more rapidly into and out of the cell than by diffusing through the phospholipid bilayer.[2] Aquaporin has six membrane-spanning alpha helical domains with both carboxylic and amino terminals on the cytoplasmic side. Two hydrophobic loops contain conserved asparagine-proline-alanine NPA motif.[further explanation needed] Because aquaporin is usually always open and is prevalent in just about every cell type, this leads to a misconception that water readily passes through the cell membrane down its concentration gradient. This is not true because only non-polar substances can diffuse directly through the lipid bilayer.